Discharge [disposal of karma] is in nature’s hands. That’s why there is restlessness. That is why these are the pains of dependency [association]. There are such times man has to face that it becomes difficult for him to pass even one hour.

Dada Bhagwan
About This Quote

In Buddhism, the idea of karma is a crucial part of the religion. The idea is that a person bears all of his or her actions and their consequences. Karma is the fundamental reason why people are placed in their current situation. If you have been born into a certain family or place, you have been placed because of your past activities.

In Buddhist teachings, karma is often compared to a debt. This debt can be paid off by performing good deeds and by fixing negative actions. If you can remove the negative actions from your life and perform positive ones, then you will no longer be dependent on the current situation and conditions.

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More Quotes By Dada Bhagwan
  1. The worldly life means a market place of sensual pleasures. Worldly life means false (temporary) happiness all the time. And moksha (liberation) means permanent happiness all the time.

  2. Believing happiness to be in the eternal thing is called the enlightened vision (samkit).

  3. There is no happiness in what worldly people believe happiness in, there is happiness in what Gnani [the enlightened one] believes the happiness in. What people regard as happiness is not happiness.

  4. Depression arises when one uses his power and authority. Whatever authority there is, it is there for giving happiness to others. Authority is to give happiness to others, even to those who are guilty of doing wrong.

  5. Many people suffer great miseries but if you ask them in front of others, 'you went through great difficulty, didn't you?', then they will respond, 'no, no I didn't have any suffering'. Then they feel happy. So what kind of ‘egoism’ should one do? During...

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